Keeping track of the details about work you produce creates a record of when and how you made something and sold it.
This list is extensive and not every detail will be relevant for every piece. A special thank you to Emily Klug — Christie’s Director of Operations — for creating this content.
Category (work on paper, painting, sculpture)
Subject matter
Related works
Inventory number
High-res photo on file
Your inventory can also include a description, sources of inspiration, and thoughts you had during creation — the story of each piece.
Price history and sale price
Availability (sold, available, not for sale, out on consignment)
Sale notes (source and date of sale)
History of sales offers to clients
History of submissions for exhibitions and residencies
Exhibition history
Packing notes
Framing, pedestals, installation hardware
Fabricator or source for specialty materials
Cost of production
If you’re interested in a professional inventory system, many artists use Artwork Archive or Art Binder.